
Lesson 28——Leaky Faucet

專欄:賴世雄英語會話即時通         放大字型圖示 放小字型圖示 列印圖示
第二十八課 水龍頭漏水

Ivy : Dad, I think there's a problem with the sink.
James : What is it ? 
Ivy : I turned off the water, but the faucet keeps
dripping. Since my room is next to the
bathroom, I can hear it all night long. 
James : Go get my toolbox. I'll take a look at it. 
Ivy : Shouldn't we call the plumber? You know 
Mom doesn't like it when you try to be Mr. 
James : Don't worry about your mother, just grab
those tools. 
Ivy: All right, but don't say I didn't warn you. 
◎ 會  話
艾   薇:老爸,我覺得洗臉槽有點問題耶。
艾    薇:我把水關掉,但水龍頭一直滴水。我的房間因為
艾    薇:我們不是應該請水電工嗎?你知道媽媽不喜歡你   
艾    薇:好吧,但別說我沒警告你。                                                 